Teach Me Personal Finance

My #1 goal is to make it easy to learn about personal finances.
I believe smart money decisions come from being informed about your choices.

Hi, I’m Forrest Baumhover

Learn More About Money, Tax planning, and Social Security

I’m a Certified Financial Planner, tax practitioner, retired Navy veteran, and writer. I love to write articles on financial topics that help everyday people learn more about money. I especially like exploring financial planning subjects that no one else has tackled before, writing about IRS tax forms, and helping people with financial questions they haven’t found the answers to.

Learn more about your finances here at Teach Me! Personal Finance, with Forrest Baumhover

Tax Planning

Tax planning is fundamental to financial planning. These articles outline how to achieve your financial goals without paying more taxes than you have to.

Latest Personal finance Articles

My most recent personal finance tips, tutorials, and tax walkthroughs.

schedule 8812, credits for qualifying children and other dependents

Schedule 8812 Instructions

The federal government provides numerous tax breaks to parents raising children, in the form of tax credits. Some of the most important tax credits are child and dependent tax credits,…
how long can the irs collect back taxes

How Long Can The IRS Collect Back Taxes?

If you’re reading this article, you probably owe the IRS money for unpaid tax debt. And you might be wondering, “How long can the IRS collect back taxes?” While there…
voo vs vtsax

VOO vs VTSAX: Which is the Best Vanguard Fund?

VOO (Vanguard S&P 500 Index ETF) and VTSAX (Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Admiral Shares) are two of Vanguard’s most popular funds. Each of these Vanguard funds: This article…
Can the IRS take your house?

Can The IRS Take Your House?

Can the IRS take your house if you owe back taxes? The Internal Revenue Service can seize a variety of assets to settle unpaid tax debt. But unlike other property,…

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is a fundamental part of the financial planning process. Learn about helpful and actionable insight on how to plan your retirement.

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