Teach Me Personal Finance

My #1 goal is to make it easy to learn about personal finances.
I believe smart money decisions come from being informed about your choices.

Hi, I’m Forrest Baumhover

Learn More About Money, Tax planning, and Social Security

I’m a Certified Financial Planner, tax practitioner, retired Navy veteran, and writer. I love to write articles on financial topics that help everyday people learn more about money. I especially like exploring financial planning subjects that no one else has tackled before, writing about IRS tax forms, and helping people with financial questions they haven’t found the answers to.

Learn more about your finances here at Teach Me! Personal Finance, with Forrest Baumhover

Tax Planning

Tax planning is fundamental to financial planning. These articles outline how to achieve your financial goals without paying more taxes than you have to.

Latest Personal finance Articles

My most recent personal finance tips, tutorials, and tax walkthroughs.

irs schedule c, profit or loss from business (sole proprietorship)

IRS Schedule C Instructions

Many small business owners operate as a single-member LLC or sole proprietorship. Because of their focus on running their own business, these business owners might end up having difficulty calculating…
irs schedule b, interest and ordinary dividends

IRS Schedule B Instructions

Taxpayers who receive interest income or ordinary dividends from investments or other assets may be required to report them on IRS Schedule B when they file their annual income tax…
irs schedule a, itemized deductions

IRS Schedule A Instructions

During tax time, individual taxpayers can choose to take a standard tax deduction, as determined by the Internal Revenue Service, or to itemize deductions, in order to lower their overall…
irs form 1040-sr, income tax return for seniors

IRS Form 1040-SR Instructions

During tax season, calculating your tax bill can be daunting and overwhelming. But thanks to the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, the IRS introduced IRS Form 1040-SR to help senior…
irs form w-4r, withholding certificate for nonperiodic payments and eligible rollover distributions

IRS Form W-4R Instructions

In 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act introduced new withholding rules for taxpayers. As a result, in 2022 the Internal Revenue Service introduced IRS Form W-4R to help simplify…
irs form w-4p, withholding certificate for periodic pension or annuity payments

IRS Form W-4P Instructions

If you’ve just started receiving a pension or annuity payments, your payer might ask you to complete IRS Form W-4P, Withholding Certificate for Periodic Pension or Annuity Payments. In this…

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is a fundamental part of the financial planning process. Learn about helpful and actionable insight on how to plan your retirement.

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